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Solar Street lights

Solar Street lighting solutions

TENTEK offers professional and aesthetically environmentally relevant smart street or public space lighting solutions. Our solar street lights solution offers the integrated modular design and the non-integrated solution that comes with separate solar panels, lights and battery system.

Benefits of Solar Lighting

  • Reduced carbon footprint

  • Environmental sustainability

  • Saves on lighting energy bill

  • Can be deployed where no national electricity grid power infrastructure exists


Because we understand the different scenarios and practical constraints in different situations, we have both the underground battery and non-underground battery layouts to suite different scenarios such as where it is not practically possible to bury the battery assembly.


The integrated solution offers rapid deployment and reduced installation costs. Our integrated solar street lights come in various sizes and designs. They come ready to deploy with no necessary complicated or time consuming electrical wiring, battery and controller installations. The on-board motion sensor on each light enables the each light to adaptively control its brightness there by saving battery energy.

We offer various designs of the light module to aesthetically blend with own design taste.  complete dual panel assembled solar LED street light and a solar powered street light view.

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